Understanding Medicare Part A Admissions

Medicare Part A patients are coveted in long-term care. Today we’ re going to look at things that are correlated with getting Medicare Part A transfers from inpatient facilities to skilled nursing facilities. We’ll start by looking at some general attributes that are correlated with lots of Med A admissions and then we’ll move to… Continue reading Understanding Medicare Part A Admissions

Regulatory Reminder!

You may have been aware thorough our communication as well as other sources that CMS, earlier this year, indicated that due to the COVID waivers related to MDS submissions and Survey activity the 5-star rating related to both of these domains would be “frozen” until April 2022. Well, not so fast! Late Friday, CMS issues… Continue reading Regulatory Reminder!

Register Now! CMS Claims Data 101: How it is used and What you should track

When: Dec 17, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Data Speaks! CMS Claims Data 101: How it is used and What you should track Register in advance for this webinar! NOTE: NAB Credit is available for this session.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.… Continue reading Register Now! CMS Claims Data 101: How it is used and What you should track

Broad River Rehab & NAB

Broad River Rehab is now an official provider of CEU credits thru the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Board (NAB). NAB is the National authority on licensing executives in long term care dedicated to delivering quality. NAB’s members are the 50 states’ and the District of Columbia’s boards and agencies that license long… Continue reading Broad River Rehab & NAB

5-Star Preview Reports are Here! Clarification to Reflections blog Q&A #4

We knew it was coming and it is here. CMS released the 5-Star preview reports yesterday and they can be downloaded from your CASPER folder in QIES. This data is what will be publicly reported on or around October 28th on the Nursing Home Compare and Care Compare websites. There are a few things to… Continue reading 5-Star Preview Reports are Here! Clarification to Reflections blog Q&A #4

SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) 2021 – Q&A

On October 15th, Broad River Rehab Reflections Provided a Webinar detailing the following as well as the anticipated October 2020 Nursing Home Compare/Care Compare refresh and new quality measures. What is the IMPACT Act? The Quality Reporting Program (QRP). A history of the current QRP measures. The 6 QRP measures new to NHC/Care Compare in… Continue reading SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) 2021 – Q&A

Med A Census Navigator Updated (at least for iPhone users…)

We were having a discussion the other day and someone suggested we give all our Pro users a gift in Med A Census Navigator. It’s a great idea so that’s what’s happening today. Starting right now (for iPhone users, more on this in a moment), Med A Census Navigator users can register using their email… Continue reading Med A Census Navigator Updated (at least for iPhone users…)

PDPM Calculator & PDPM Navigator™ Updates for FY2021

We just updated the PDPM Calculator for CMS fiscal year 2021. The updates include: New wage indexing. New base rates New labor/non-labor split For those of you who use PDPM Navigator, those same changes are headed to your phone and/or tablet. iPhone users should see an update very early in the morning of October 1st.… Continue reading PDPM Calculator & PDPM Navigator™ Updates for FY2021

SNF HAI’s Part 2: CMS’ Posts Dry Run Reports

In a recent post we detailed the new SNF QRP measure, Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) Requiring Hospitalizations and provided a draft of the measure specifications for your review. We provided a link to the announcement where CMS has called for public comment on the measure. That comment period ends October 14th. We… Continue reading SNF HAI’s Part 2: CMS’ Posts Dry Run Reports