Skilled Nursing Facility Proposed Rule

There were several issues left hanging in last year’s final rule, 5% parity adjustment, Additional SNF VBP measures, etc. How will CMS resolve these? Join Broad River Reflections for an in-depth analysis of the FY 2023 proposed rule to find out what CMS has in mind. Register today!

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SNF FY 2022 Proposed Rule – Learn the Facts Behind the Headlines Part 3: How is My Rate Calculated

Have you ever wondered just how CMS comes up with your Medicare Part A rate? Year in and year out, the rates shift, but what makes up the components of that rate and why does a shift occur each year? Market Basket Update Every year CMS updates the PPS rate based on changes in the… Continue reading SNF FY 2022 Proposed Rule – Learn the Facts Behind the Headlines Part 3: How is My Rate Calculated

SNF FY 2022 Proposed Rule – Learn the Facts Behind the Headlines Part 2: Don’t Forget About Your Wage Index!

Among the many required updates that CMS is mandated to make each year related to the SNF PPS rate, there is one pesky little number that often gets lost in the shuffle. That number is the wage index. The wage index is an adjustment to the SNF PPS rate that accounts for regional differences in… Continue reading SNF FY 2022 Proposed Rule – Learn the Facts Behind the Headlines Part 2: Don’t Forget About Your Wage Index!

SNF FY 2022 Proposed Rule – Learn the Facts Behind the Headlines Part 1

Today we start a blog series dedicated to unpacking the FY 2022 SNF PPS Proposed Rule that was released late in the day on April 8th. CMS has proposed many significant initiatives that will affect every aspect of Skilled Nursing Operations in the coming months and years to come. This first blog will address the… Continue reading SNF FY 2022 Proposed Rule – Learn the Facts Behind the Headlines Part 1