As an industry, PAC is heading toward a “one world” system. Universal Post-Acute Care, or UPAC is what this will be known as. The IMPACT Act has legislated that soon, LTACHs, IRFs, SNFs and HHs will all be driven by site neutral quality measurement and site neutral payment. The Quality Reporting Program has been materializing… Continue reading QM Savvy in a QRP World
Broad River Rehab- “A Different Path..” Continued
In a September 27th letter to our employees we made a promise that we would take “a different path”, that we valued the treatment and outcomes provided, and that as a result we would continue to treat our residents based on individuals needs after October 1st. We also said that this may sound “radical” but… Continue reading Broad River Rehab- “A Different Path..” Continued
Welcome Renee Kinder!
My mother used to say: “Manning, surround yourself with good people that work hard and are smart. If you do this, you will be successful”. Renee Kinder – MS, CCC-SLP, RAC-CT Renee Kinder, MS CCC-SLP RAC-CT is our new Vice President of Clinical Services! Renee serves as a member of community faculty for the University… Continue reading Welcome Renee Kinder!
The Name of the Game is SPADEs
It has been said that, “A little bit goes a long way”. And, as an industry, that little bit has been quite a lot as we have geared up for and implemented the PDPM. I for one am feeling the effects of the long way this “little bit” has taken us. Now that we have… Continue reading The Name of the Game is SPADEs
2019 ICD-10 / PDPM Training
On behalf of everyone at Broad River Rehab, we’d like to thank Carol Maher for spending two days with us and teaching ICD-10 coding and PDPM at the beautiful Grove Park Inn in Asheville! The event was informative and entertaining. Carol really knows her stuff! We’d also like to thank everyone who attended. We hope… Continue reading 2019 ICD-10 / PDPM Training
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Recently a colleague of mine completed an audit for a customer facility of all Part A residents with zero NTA points. The purpose was to answer the question: “Is it really possible these people have no non-therapy ancillaries?” The results were eye opening: More than 26% of the admissions DID have a potential NTA that… Continue reading Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Document Navigator™ Version 2.0!
We’re excited to announce that version 2.0 of Document Navigator™ is almost here! We think you’ll appreciate the updates and improvements. Some of the highlights: In-Document Highlighting: We’ll highlight relevant items and medications right in your original document so you can see them in context. We’ll also highlight all medications. Improved, Simplified User Interface: We’ve… Continue reading Document Navigator™ Version 2.0!
“Big Data”, Artificial Intelligence and Skilled Nursing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data have hit the mainstream. Whether it’s the amazing advances in image recognition or sentiment analysis or shockingly accurate and timely friend suggestions and targeted ads. CMS has even launched the “Artificial Intelligence Health Outcomes Challenge”. More information is available here. The purpose of the project is to predict unplanned… Continue reading “Big Data”, Artificial Intelligence and Skilled Nursing
As if PDPM Weren’t Enough (Part 1)
Here we go! Are you ready for the ride? Just when you thought, “PDPM is finally here so we can take a break on the learning curve”, think again. “No rest for the weary”, could not be a truer statement. On 10/9, CMS released revisions to 4 important documents that providers will need to assimilate,… Continue reading As if PDPM Weren’t Enough (Part 1)
Just How Many HIPPS Codes Are There?
A lot has been made of the complexity of PDPM. We’ve all heard by now there are more than 28 thousand code combinations. Let me get straight to the point: this narrative is wrong and is being used to make you feel like PDPM is too complex for you to handle. The “more than 28… Continue reading Just How Many HIPPS Codes Are There?