We’ve been hard at work during the pandemic (#COVIDEnoughAlready) creating a new tool that we’re ready to announce today! Today we release Part A Census Navigator™! What is that you ask?
Census Navigator™ is an app that allows you to search for any hospital in the United States and see how many Medicare Part A discharges that hospital had AND which skilled nursing facilities those patients went to. But that’s not nearly all.
Census Navigator™ will help you answer these types of questions:
What percentage of a hospital’s Part A discharges actually end up in a skilled nursing facility?
Specifically, which SNFs get those Part A admissions?
Do the SNFs with the highest star ratings get those admissions?
Do the closest SNFs tend to get the Part A admissions?
Which hospitals send Part A patients to SNF XX? (ANY SNF in the United States that accepted Med As.)
Why does that 2 star SNF that’s 10 miles further away from my 4 star SNF get more Part A admissions than me?! (Well, it won’t help you answer that question, but it will start you asking the right questions.)
The app currently includes Q3 and Q4 of 2019, which is the latest data we can get but we will update as new data becomes available. It also includes both hospital and star ratings because those are important to understand your local market.
Here are some screenshots because people like those and frankly, we’re pretty proud of this. Our team worked hard on this.

Search for a hospital by state, name, city or address.

See which SNFs got the Part A discharges including distance and star ratings.

For each SNF see how many Part A discharges you got as well has how many there were.

Search for a SNF if you want, or open TikTok instead, your call really.
Important things you should know:
This app includes Part A ONLY. Say it with us: Part A ONLY. It would include other payers if we could, trust us.
Some numbers will be hidden if they fall below a certain threshold. That threshold is currently 11. We don’t love this decision but must abide by it to bring this data to you.
In some cases, entire SNFs will not appear. This is for the same reason we have to hide values less than 11.
If you want to discuss this data in more detail, let us know.
You can download the app right now. What are you waiting for? Oh I know. You want to know how much costs? How does FREE sound?
Why are we doing this?
Why aren’t more companies doing this?
You can help us out by leaving a positive review in your app store and letting your friends know about us! (Subscribers: please forward this. I know some of you will. 😉) If you have questions about the app or anything else, contact us today!