You may have been aware thorough our communication as well as other sources that CMS, earlier this year, indicated that due to the COVID waivers related to MDS submissions and Survey activity the 5-star rating related to both of these domains would be “frozen” until April 2022. Well, not so fast! Late Friday, CMS issues… Continue reading Regulatory Reminder!
Author: Joel VanEaton
5-Star Preview Reports are Here! Clarification to Reflections blog Q&A #4
We knew it was coming and it is here. CMS released the 5-Star preview reports yesterday and they can be downloaded from your CASPER folder in QIES. This data is what will be publicly reported on or around October 28th on the Nursing Home Compare and Care Compare websites. There are a few things to… Continue reading 5-Star Preview Reports are Here! Clarification to Reflections blog Q&A #4
SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) 2021 – Q&A
On October 15th, Broad River Rehab Reflections Provided a Webinar detailing the following as well as the anticipated October 2020 Nursing Home Compare/Care Compare refresh and new quality measures. What is the IMPACT Act? The Quality Reporting Program (QRP). A history of the current QRP measures. The 6 QRP measures new to NHC/Care Compare in… Continue reading SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) 2021 – Q&A
SNF HAI’s Part 2: CMS’ Posts Dry Run Reports
In a recent post we detailed the new SNF QRP measure, Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) Requiring Hospitalizations and provided a draft of the measure specifications for your review. We provided a link to the announcement where CMS has called for public comment on the measure. That comment period ends October 14th. We… Continue reading SNF HAI’s Part 2: CMS’ Posts Dry Run Reports
Coming Soon to QRP – Healthcare Acquired Infections
Infection control is most definitely the theme of the day. SNFs are under scrutiny like never before related to infection control and prevention. In a recent Regulatory Reminder, we detailed the recent Interim Final rule related to increased COVID testing requirements and the resulting changes to the COVID-19 Focused Survey pathways. In a recent McKnight’s… Continue reading Coming Soon to QRP – Healthcare Acquired Infections
The New Nursing Home Compare: Care Compare
There is always something new just waiting around the corner and sometimes you don’t know it’s there until you come face to face with it. As it happens, late last week, CMS quietly finalized the Nursing Home Compare overhaul by launching a planned consolidated site called Care Compare. The CMS press release from last week… Continue reading The New Nursing Home Compare: Care Compare
Wage Indexes are Changing. Get Ready for Yours!
CMS FY 2021 will be here in a few short days and with it the changes that have been finalized by CMS in the final rule on July 31st. One of the important changes that will occur this year has to do with the wage index. The wage index is an adjustment made to the… Continue reading Wage Indexes are Changing. Get Ready for Yours!
FY 2021 SNF PPS Final Rule, what you need to know!
In just a few short weeks, we will begin the second FY since the initiation of the PDPM. With the unprecedented encounter we have had with the COVID PHE, there have been decisions on the part of CMS to limit the number of obvious changes that were to take effect this fall. However, due to… Continue reading FY 2021 SNF PPS Final Rule, what you need to know!
MDS v1.17.2 – What Changed?
This week, CMS surprised us with a revised version of the MDS that will be effective this fall for FY 2021. It is a surprise because nothing about this particular change was mentioned in the proposed rule posted in April. CMS has indicated in the May posting on the MDS Technical Information page that in… Continue reading MDS v1.17.2 – What Changed?
Covid-19 Update to Documentation Navigator™
What makes for a successful future focus on Covid-19? A Clinically knowledgeable, Quality measurement, interdisciplinary approach. Future thinking requires us to evaluate our capacity as interdisciplinary teams as we leverage the RAI to provide care (RAI – MDS, CAAs, Care Planning), get paid appropriately (PDPM) and achieve desired outcomes (Quality Measurement). For this reason, we… Continue reading Covid-19 Update to Documentation Navigator™