Broad River’s July Rehab Reflections customer training provided an in depth regulatory and implementation overview related to healthcare literacy. How would you define literacy? More specifically, how does your organization define literacy specific to healthcare learning and understanding. Let us begin with a reference sample from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).… Continue reading Rehab Reflections: Defining Healthcare Literacy
Tag: Compassion
Patients First: Do the Little Things Right
One positive theme, and there are not many, that we have seen with the COVID-19 pandemic, is that the nation has learned that there are a lot of nursing homes across the nation. Nursing homes in their communities, full of grandparents, and aunts and uncles, moms and dads of people in their inner circles. AND,… Continue reading Patients First: Do the Little Things Right
Do The Right Thing
Our guiding principles at Broad River Rehab are Knowledge and Compassion. That’s what drives the decisions we make, even when faced with a pandemic. During these difficult times, we’ve had to get creative and figure out how to do the right thing. That means doing the right thing for our patients, obviously but also for… Continue reading Do The Right Thing