Striving for Compliance

We all say we want compliance, but do we strive for it?  My philosophy professor in college used to emphasize that you must define what you are discussing so that you can discuss it intelligently.  So let’s define “compliance” in medical record documentation.  For this blog we will define compliant documentation as “accurately recording the… Continue reading Striving for Compliance

Providing Measurable Value In CaseMix

How many therapy companies tell you they’ll help you improve your case-mix? How many tell you they’ll help you with ADL training? (Section G isn’t going away if you live in a case-mix state.) How many claim their clients have better reimbursement because of more complete documentation? The answer is nearly all of us make… Continue reading Providing Measurable Value In CaseMix

The ADL Difference


Take a look at this: (click to enlarge) View fullsize This is data from 2016. At that time, Broad River Rehab was just getting started. We were serving only 8 facilities. But even at this early stage you can see that our customers had significantly higher ADL scores than national averages. We’d effectively moved more… Continue reading The ADL Difference

Trends in North Carolina Medicaid

Based on the latest data from the state of North Carolina, we can look at trends for Medicaid in skilled nursing in the state. Overall, average case-mix is up significantly, continuing a long term climbing trend. Keep in mind that in North Carolina, if the mean case-mix is increasing while your facility case-mix stays constant,… Continue reading Trends in North Carolina Medicaid

Latest ADL Scoring By State


The Pepper reports give us a glimpse into trends in Medicaid Part A in skilled nursing facilities. Sometimes you have to do a little summarizing yourself to figure out what you want to know. What I wanted to know was “Which states report the highest ADL scores?” Pepper had the data but it needed a… Continue reading Latest ADL Scoring By State