Note: This Regulatory Reminder is a follow up to a Regulatory Reminder that we posted on April 8, 2022. Lots going on in the regulatory world these days with 5-Star updates and the FY 2023 Final Rule release. Yesterday, CMS posted a “Creating a Roadmap for the End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE)”.…...
Author: Joel VanEaton
Christmas In July? What Gives?
It’s Christmas in July! All the waiting and anticipation is finally over. What’s under the tree though may not be what you anticipated. The gift we have been given this year sort of reminds me of the socks and t-shirts I used to get from my parents or that giant candy cane stick someone put… Continue reading Christmas In July? What Gives?
Regulatory Reminders! RAI Manual Updates
Good afternoon everyone. Last week, CMS quietly updated the RAI User’s Manual. On July 15th, CMS posted of an Errata Document which revised Chapter 3 section I and Chapter 6 of the RAI User’s Manual. The revisions to Chapter 3 section I are related to newly diagnosed residents with Schizophrenia. The changes are designed to…...
Regulatory Reminder! COVID-19 PHE Extended
As you may have seen, late Friday, the following announcement was posted by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) extending the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). This extends the PHE for another 90 days until October 15th. DHHS has indicated that they will provide states with 60 days notice prior to the termination…...
Regulatory Reminder: SNF QRP Non-Compliance!
Good Morning Everyone, Just yesterday, CMS posted the following announcement related to Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program (SNF QRP) non-compliance. FY 2023 begins Oct. 1. Quality Reporting Program: Non-Compliance Letters for FY 2023 APU CMS is providing notifications to facilities that were determined to be out of compliance with Quality Reporting Program (QRP) requirements…...
Regulatory Reminders
Good morning everyone. CMS has released a flurry of regulatory updates lately. Late yesterday, CMS released the long awaited update to the 5-Star user’s manual and boy was it a surprise with two important changes outlined. Not only has CMS folded the new weekend staffing and staff turnover measures into the star rating, they have…...
FY 2023 SNF PPS Proposed Rule: The Facts behind the Headlines (Hidden Reductions)
I love the summer. I look forward to it all year. In East Tennessee where I live, this time of year is especially beautiful. We are high up enough to escape the sweltering heat and humidity most days until the dog days come. It is green and lush here and the summer floral extravaganza is… Continue reading FY 2023 SNF PPS Proposed Rule: The Facts behind the Headlines (Hidden Reductions)
Regulatory Reminder: CMS Releases Revised Long-Term Care Surveyor Guidance
Good afternoon everyone. As you may have heard, this afternoon CMS has issues the long awaited updated interpretive guidance for phase 2 and phase 3 conditions of participation as well as other guidance. See below the summary points included in the memo to state survey directors, QSO-22-19, that was released today. This memo details revisions…...
Regulatory Reminder: PBJ
Good afternoon everyone. This late edition of Regulatory Reminders is related to PBJ. This month, CMS quietly issued an updated PBJ Manual. I have attached the revised manual. All of the updated language shows up in the manual in red. PBJ accuracy is critical. Here are the main revisions. on page 1-3, CMS has added…...
Regulatory Reminders: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
Good afternoon everyone. Just this week, on Tuesday, June 14th, CMS issued QSO-22-17-All with a subject: Surveys for compliance with Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Requirements. In that memo CMS indicated that, to date, 95.0% of providers and suppliers surveyed by states have been found to be in substantial compliance with vaccine requirements. Specifically,…...