Covid-19 information has been coming our way at a fast and furious rate the last few weeks. CMS has been releasing a vast amount of information related to waivers etc. intended to alleviate some of the strain at the facility level. We thought it would be helpful to put together a serial BLOG of the… Continue reading SNFs and the Covid-19 Waivers vol.1
Author: Joel VanEaton
QM Savvy in a QRP World
As an industry, PAC is heading toward a “one world” system. Universal Post-Acute Care, or UPAC is what this will be known as. The IMPACT Act has legislated that soon, LTACHs, IRFs, SNFs and HHs will all be driven by site neutral quality measurement and site neutral payment. The Quality Reporting Program has been materializing… Continue reading QM Savvy in a QRP World
The Name of the Game is SPADEs
It has been said that, “A little bit goes a long way”. And, as an industry, that little bit has been quite a lot as we have geared up for and implemented the PDPM. I for one am feeling the effects of the long way this “little bit” has taken us. Now that we have… Continue reading The Name of the Game is SPADEs
As if PDPM Weren’t Enough (Part 1)
Here we go! Are you ready for the ride? Just when you thought, “PDPM is finally here so we can take a break on the learning curve”, think again. “No rest for the weary”, could not be a truer statement. On 10/9, CMS released revisions to 4 important documents that providers will need to assimilate,… Continue reading As if PDPM Weren’t Enough (Part 1)
CMS Updates the PDPM Website
On Friday August 30th, CMS slipped in a PDPM website update, presumably with the latest revisions to the PDPM that seem to be a natural result of questions and clarifications arising from the Final Rule posting in July, the two training sessions that CMS provided in Kansas City and Baltimore as well as the recent… Continue reading CMS Updates the PDPM Website
CMS Releases 2020 Proposed Rule – The Highlights
As you may be aware, on April 19th CMS released the FY 2020 SNF PPS Proposed Rule that sets forth the proposed updates to FY 2020 beginning Oct 1, 2019 . As you know, CMS finalized the Patient Driven Payment Model in last year’s final rule, so the proposed rule contains mostly expected revisions related… Continue reading CMS Releases 2020 Proposed Rule – The Highlights
CMS has updated the PDPM website… Again!
As we in the SNF world eagerly anticipate the 5-Star and the SNF FY 2020 proposed rule this month, the revised RAI Manual in May and the SNF FY 2020 Final Rule in July, on April 4th, CMS updated the PDPM Website… again! Things are really moving at a breakneck pace. You may feel like… Continue reading CMS has updated the PDPM website… Again!
Understanding the Value of the MDS Nurse Under PDPM
As the SNF world draws its collective breath and begins to consider the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM), the new reimbursement system that will drive payment for Medicare Part A for SNFs starting October 1, 2019, there are many questions and misunderstandings. Because of the major changes to the payment system, compared to RUG IV… Continue reading Understanding the Value of the MDS Nurse Under PDPM