Med A Census Navigator™ – The Acuity Update!

We’ve recently updated Med A Census Navigator™ again to include acuity. You may have noticed it already. Note the addition of PT/OT, SLP, Nursing and NTA boxes. These indicate the percent rank of this facility. For example, in the image, Advanced Healthcare Center in Toledo, this facility is in the 27th percentile for PT and…...

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North Carolina Medicaid – Insiders Detail

Yesterday I blogged all about North Carolina Medicaid. You can read that blog here. I thought Insiders might appreciate some detail I left out of the public article. COVID-19 Add-On I made this statement: The average skilled nursing facility could see a reduction of $137,402.60 per quarter. Me ~ Less than 24 hours ago. You…...

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Regulatory Reminders: The True End of the PHE

Now that the dust has settled related to the president’s surprise announcement last Friday, that the COVID-19 PHE will end on May 11, 2023, CMS released official word supporting the president’s declaration. CMS released two important documents that detail the road map to the end of the PHE. The first was a Letter to U.S.…...

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√ Reflections: ABNs and NOMNCs: What, Why, How and When

The ABNs and NOMNCs: What, Why, How and When? Notices of non-coverage in the SNF can be confusing and this can cause providers are not compliant. This presentation will untangle CMS guidance and regulatory requirements to help providers become more proficient at notifying beneficiaries of non-coverage issues specifically related to the SNF ABN, CMS-R-131, NOMNC…...

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Med A Census Navigator™ Update!

Oh man, it’s been a LONG time since I posted something on here. It feels good to be back. Today, we’re announcing an update to Med A Census Navigator! It’s a pretty big update too. DRG Codes are here! Based on lots of feedback, we heard that you’d like to be able to see the…...

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BRR Insiders Final Rule Series: deep dive into the expanding VBP program

Hello there Insiders! If you missed today’s webinar on the final rule, you can watch the video below. If you are here for those sweet credit hours, then follow this link....

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