As you may be aware, late yesterday CMS released the “Final” version of the RAI Manual v1.18.11 with little time to spare to prepare for implementation on October 1. We have been served a plethora of revisions, 60 to be exact. CMS has provided a very helpful DRAFT to Final change table to help us…...
Author: Joel VanEaton
Insiders Summer Education Series MDS 3.0 v1.18.11 Sections O and Q
MDS 3.0 and the DRAFT RAI Manual revisions have been posted. There have been changes and or revision to the coding guidance for sections O and Q. This program will help providers understand the changes and revisions as well as consider ways to operationalize the updates. Course materials. Enjoy!...
Insiders Summer Education Series MDS 3.0 v1.18.11 Sections M and N
MDS 3.0 and the DRAFT RAI Manual revisions have been posted. There have been changes and or revision to the coding guidance for sections M and N. This program will help providers understand the changes and revisions as well as consider ways to operationalize the updates. Course materials. Enjoy!...
FY 2024 SNF PPS Final Rule
CMS has released the SNF PPS FY 2024 Final Rule which sets Medicare Part A payment rates for SNFs beginning October 1, 2023. This rule also spells out ICD-10 primary diagnosis code changes and the significant changes headed our way in both the SNF Quality Reporting Program and the SNF Value Based Purchasing Program. This…...
Insiders Summer Education Series MDS 3.0 v1.18.11 Sections I, J and K
MDS 3.0 and the DRAFT RAI Manual revisions have been posted. There have been changes and or revision to the coding guidance for sections I, J and K. This program will help providers understand the changes and revisions as well as consider ways to operationalize the updates. Course materials, for, you know, fun....
Insiders Summer Education Series MDS 3.0 v1.18.11 Sections GG and H
MDS 3.0 and the DRAFT RAI Manual revisions have been posted. There have been changes and or revision to the coding guidance for sections GG and H. This program will help providers understand the changes and revisions as well as consider ways to operationalize the updates. Check out those course materials....
Regulatory Reminders – SNF QRP Non-Compliance Notifications
CMS just announced that the Quality Reporting Program: Non-Compliance Letters for FY 2024 APU have been released. These non-compliance letters notify facilities that are out of compliance with the SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) requirements for CY 2022. This will affect their FY 2024 Market Basket Update or Annual Payment Update (APU). Facilities that are…...
Regulatory Reminders! July 5-Star Preview Reports and 5-Star User’s Guide updates
Extra! Extra! July ’23 5-Star preview reports posted today to QIES, not IQIES. The Five-Star ratings provided in these reports display for nursing homes on the Care Compare website on or around July 26, 2023. CMS had originally planned to distribute these reports in iQIES starting in July; however, the distribution of the Five Star…...
MDS 3.0 v1.18.11 Sections D and F RAI Manual and Data Set Revisions
MDS 3.0 v1.18.11 will be effective October 1, 2023. Multiple revisions to the MDS data set and RAI Manual have been released. This program will highlight the changes to sections D and F and help facility IDT’s to consider operational strategies. Course materials may be downloaded here....
Ever wanted to ask an expert?
At Broad River Rehab we love to engage our communities with shared knowledge. Long term care is a complex industry and we are constantly learning from each other. We also love to engage the broader SNF community through a resource on our website we call Ask Our Experts. From time to time we get questions… Continue reading Ever wanted to ask an expert?