Understanding the PPS Rate

Understanding how your PPS rate is constructed is a critical skill. This presentation will break apart the PPPS rate and discover ways to ensure that your team is identifying and capturing resident specific information necessary for a PPS rate that reflects the acuity of your patient population. Download course materials here. Download PDPM Rate Calculator…...

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Insiders Summer Series Documentation to support the Primary Diagnosis

With the implementation of PDPM item I0020B, primary diagnosis, became foundational for establishing the PT, OT and a portion of the SLP HIPPS. Accurate documentation to support the primary diagnosis is critical to PDPM success. In this presentation, Shannon Hayes will break apart the requirements for primary diagnosis supporting documentation. Download course materials....

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BRR Insiders Summer Series: Documentation to support coding Section GG

Since section G was eliminated from federally required MDS assessments with the implementation of MDS 3.0v1.18.11. Section GG has become the only source of ADL data supporting MDS impact areas like reimbursement and quality measurement.  In this presentation, Dr. Gwen Pointer will lead us through the documentation requirements for accurate coding of section GG of…...

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SNF VBP Measures, a Deep Dive

The SNF Value-Based Purchasing program will be expanding from one to eight measures by FY 2027. The expanded list includes MDS, claims, and PBJ based measures. Providers will need to have a working knowledge of the measures to ensure quality initiative focus. This presentation will overview the technical specifications of the 2026 measures and review…...

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Insider Summer Series: Documentation to support an Active Diagnosis

Documentation to support an active diagnosis on the MDS is crucial to accurate MDS coding. Diagnoses coded in section I of the MDS affect reimbursement, Quality measures and care planning. The RAI Manual requires specific documentation to these areas. In this presentation we’ll learn the documentation fundamentals to support an Active diagnosis. Download course materials…...

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CMS ResDAC Data Review and Trending

RESDAC data continues to intrigue. Since the inception of PDPM in October 2019, the data has a story to tell. Through the pandemic and into the most recent quarter, knowing how the nation has responded to the changing payment structure can help benchmark facility use of the new payment structure and create a roadmap for…...

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FY 2025 Proposed Rule √

It’s April and Spring has sprung. Not only that but CMS has released the FY 2025 proposed rule. Much is anticipated about what CMS has up its sleeve for the new year. Changes to the payment rates, wage index, SNF QRP and SNF VBP programs will be discussed.  Course materials are available here. The post-course…...

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Georgia Transition to PDPM for Medicaid CMI

Download course materials here. Georgia has transitioned to PDPM for Medicaid CMI and rate calculations. This training will help providers get up to speed with regard to this transition along with practical steps they can take to ensure that their PDPM generated CMI is an accurate reflection of the resident’s unique clinical mix. Version 2…...

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SNF QRP Measures a deep dive

The SNF Quality Reporting program, or SNF QRP, Continues to grow in it’s importance and influence on skilled nursing facilities. With the FY 22024 final rule firmly establishing SNF QRP expansion, providers should be aware of the scope and variety of measures that reporting requirements that could impact their PPS payment rates. This presentation will…...

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