Regulatory Reminders: The True End of the PHE

Now that the dust has settled related to the president’s surprise announcement last Friday, that the COVID-19 PHE will end on May 11, 2023, CMS released official word supporting the president’s declaration. CMS released two important documents that detail the road map to the end of the PHE. The first was a Letter to U.S.…...

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Important BFCC-QIO Announcement!

It really is starting off to be a busy regulatory year and we’re trying to keep up. As you may be aware, a significant announcement has been made by both Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO) organizations that service SNFs across the country, Kepro and Livanta. These are the organizations that, among… Continue reading Important BFCC-QIO Announcement!

Regulatory Reminders: BFCC-QIO Announcement

It really is starting off to be a busy regulatory year and we’re trying to keep up. As you may be aware, in February, our Broad River Rehab Reflections topic will be Notices of Non-Coverage. And it could not be more timely. On Friday I learned of a significant announcement made by both Beneficiary and…...

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