White Papers | Live Webinars | BRR Partner Series | Data Speaks
Reflections White Papers
We offer a series of white papers addressing timely industry topics, challenges, and solutions. Our goal is to enable you to increase care quality, understand regulatory/
Reflections Webinar Series

Join us for our monthly training sessions focusing on regulatory changes, MDS updates, evidenced-based practice, research and best methods for interdisciplinary team engagement. Our Reflections webinar series is always in synch with “real-world” insights. Our goal is to provide community IDT teams including Administrators, MDS Coordinators, Nurses, and Social Services directors, and therapists with interactive insights on how to effectively assimilate changes in policy and reimbursement with the highest level of patient care.
Many Broad River Rehab courses are available for NAB credit. Please contact us for more information.
Live Webinars
BRR Partner Series

Cindy Fronning – Director of Education, Mastster Trainer, Associate Editor-in-Chief, The Director – NADONA
Over 30 years of experience in long-term including 8 years as a Clinical Consultant specializing in clinical reimbursement and leading a team of Reimbursement Specialists, over 9 years as a Director of Nursing, and 5 years as an Assistant Director of Clinical Services for a large non-for-profit organization in which she was responsible for oversight of several facilities. Cindy’s experience includes education of nursing home personnel, mentoring of nurses and Directors of Nursing, clinical systems and form development, department restructuring, and mock surveys. She has extensive experience in Medicare, MDS/RAI process, (AANAC certified), care planning, implementation of systems as well as a comprehensive understanding of State and Federal regulations. Cindy has achieved successful results as a clinical consultant in all aspects of clinical operations, as well as regulatory compliance. Recently Cindy worked with Clinical Reimbursement for Welcov Healthcare. Her role included monitoring many facilities for their case mix and Medicare utilization as well as their MDS process. The focus was on reimbursement and continued compliance with all state and federal rules regarding these systems. Currently Cindy is the Director of Education for NADONA. Her role is responsible for the planning, direction and implementation of all Educational projects and pursuits within NADONA.
Data Speaks
Data Speaks is an educational partnership brought to you by Broad River Rehab, the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing (AAPACN) and the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA). This series is designed to help you make sense of the huge amount of data available to you with a focus on building a data-driven organization. These courses often offer NAB credit! Please contact us for more information.
Our webinars answer the question, “What does your data say about you?” Data, in raw form are just numbers and codes on a page. In its purest form, without effective analytics data does not seem to provide much in meaningful input. Data, however, when examined strategically, has a voice, it comes to life, it can in fact speak volumes about you. Data speaks about the care you deliver, it provides insight into your treatment patterns, and data is used deliberately by CMS to compare communities to others in their locality and across the nation.
Data Speaks webinar series allow attendees access to CMS data through a strategic partnership presenters have with the CMS Research Data Assistance Center or ResDAC.
Live Webinars
Speaker Bios

Kendall Brune
Dr. Kendall Brune, PhD, CHP, MBA, LNHA, FACHCA has thirty plus years of experience in senior healthcare executive capacities in the development, construction and operation of ambulatory, pharmacy, senior housing, and care facilities. He currently owns, operates and manages facilities in MO, IL, TN and FL. Dr. Brune is an Adjunct Associate Professor in Family Medicine at Meharry Medical College. He also serves as the District 6 Governor for American College of Healthcare Administrators

Renee Kinder
Renee Kinder, MS, CCC-SLP, RAC-CT is Executive Vice President of Clinical Services for Broad River Rehab. Additionally, she authors McKnight’s Long Term Care News Rehab Realities Blog, serves as Gerontology Professional Development Manager for the American Speech Language Hearing Association’s (ASHA) gerontology special interest group, is the ASHA STAMP for Kentucky, a member of the University of Kentucky College of Medicine community faculty, and is an alternate advisor to the American Medical Association’s Relative Value Update Committee (RUC) Health Care Professionals Advisory Committee (HCPAC)

Jennifer LaBay
Jennifer LaBay RN, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, CRC is a Curriculum Development Specialist with AAPACN. She has been involved in the RAI process since 1997 and has been in the Long term care industry since 1991 serving in a variety of capacities including CNA, Charge Nurse, MDS Coordinator, and Regional / Corporate Clinical Reimbursement Specialist.
Jennifer has been a Master Teacher for AAPACN’s RAC-CT program since July 2011and AAPACN’s Advanced RAC-CTA since 2019. Jennifer has been a Certified Risk Coder (CRC) through the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) since 2020 .

Bob Lane
Robert Lane is the President and CEO of the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA). A seasoned post-acute care executive, he has been involved in health care for more than 39 years, and long-term care for over 35 years as an administrator, field trainer, Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) project manager, speaker, and consultant. Bob holds a bachelor’s degree in Allied Health Administration
from the University of Kansas, and a Graduate certificate in Gerontology and master’s degree in Health and Human Services Administration from the University of Oklahoma. He is a Certified Fellow and immediate past chair of the Board in the American College of Health Care Administrators. Nationally, Bob serves as a member of the Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes’ board, a member of the Vison 2025 steering committee and the National Institute for C.N.A Excellence (NICE) advisory board.

Jessie McGill
Jessie McGill, RN, RAC-MTA, RAC-CTA, is a curriculum development specialist for AAPACN. Previously, Jessie worked as the director of clinical reimbursement for a large long-term care organization overseeing 17 clinical reimbursement consultants across 21 states including nearly 300 living centers. She has more than 19 years of long-term care experience including restorative nurse, MDS coordinator, regional clinical reimbursement specialist, clinical reimbursement trainer, and director of clinical reimbursement. Jessie is passionate about developing the skills of nurse assessment coordinators, restorative nursing, and improving residents’ quality of life and care.

Wes Sperr
Wes Sperr has over thirty-four years of experience in senior housing and long term care management and over $48M of building construction and project financing experience. His extensive experience in the management of all business activities concerning senior housing and long term care has been with a track record of professionalism, integrity and numerous accolades. His peers have noticed his achievements in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations including, but not limited to, the American Retirement Corporation of Nashville, TN, BJC Health System, and Washington University School of Medicine, and many others. He began his senior service career with Life Care Services of Des Moines, IA in 1981. During the next nine years he rose from an assistant administrator to a regional administrator. His experience in several states included assignments in rescue marketing efforts, refurbishing aging physical plants, new cottage and assisted living construction, successful lobbying for a state-wide property tax relief bill, negotiating a novel tax increment financing strategy and serving on national quality assurance corporate teams.

Amy Stewart
Amy Stewart, MSN, RN, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, DNS-MT, QCP-MT is the vice president of education and certification strategy for the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing (AAPACN). Prior to this she was a curriculum development specialist for AADNS. Before joining the AAPACN staff, she was a legal nurse consultant for the law firm Hall, Prangle, Schoonveld (HPS), in Chicago. She has over 24 years of experience in the post-acute healthcare industry, with expertise in the areas of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI), clinical reimbursement, quality, and regulatory change. Prior to joining HPS, Amy was the division director of reimbursement for 18 skilled nursing facilities in the Chicagoland area, part of a larger hospital system that participated in CMS innovative payment models. Previous roles include director of nursing, pharmacy quality consultant, wound care consultant, and MDS coordinator. Amy is a Master Teacher for AANAC’s RAC-CT, and RAC-CTA programs along with AADNS’s DNS-CT and QCP programs and is a nationally recognized speaker and subject matter expert on a variety of post-acute care topics.

Joel VanEaton
Joel VanEaton, BSN, RN, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, MT is Executive Vice President of Compliance and Regulatory Affairs for Broad River Rehab serving facilities in TN, KY, NC, SC, OH, MD and RI. Joel began his career in LTC as an MDS coordinator and worked for many years as the Director of Clinical Reimbursement and RAI for a group of nursing facilities in Tennessee and Kentucky. Joel has contributed to McKnight’s LTC News and the AANAC LTC Leader. He currently serves as a board member on the AAPACN Education Foundation.