Skilled Nursing Facility Proposed Rule

There were several issues left hanging in last year’s final rule, 5% parity adjustment, Additional SNF VBP measures, etc. How will CMS resolve these? Join Broad River Reflections for an in-depth analysis of the FY 2023 proposed rule to find out what CMS has in mind. Register today!

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CMS 100-2 Chapter 8 Part II: Certification & Recertification

This course, Part II in a series related to CMS 100-2 Chapter 8 standards, focuses on the regulatory background in CMS 100-1 Chapter 4 and essential need for systems to promote certification and recertification of services. This course is accredited for 1.5 hours of NAB Credit.

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CMS 100-2 Chapter 8 Part I: Consolidated Billing

SNF Consolidated billing is sometimes a mystery. Facilities are often caught off-guard and pay for items and services that should be billed separately to another payer. In this webinar, Broad River Rehab will demystify the core consolidated billing principles and guidelines and offer practical steps facilities can take to be sure that they are only paying for what they should.

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Inseparable Friends – QRP and Value Based Purchasing

In this presentation we will discuss how the combined programs of QRP and VBP will move forward based on the current proposals, detail what QRP measures may be included and how these programs will work together to enhance quality in nursing homes.

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Topic: CMS 100-2 Chapter 8 Series Part III: Physician Certification, and Other Services. Am I covered?