A Nice Friday Surprise! MDS 3.0 v1.18.11 Released!

Well, Here’s a surprise for your Friday afternoon! CMS just released MDS 3.0 v1.18.11. We were told in the final rule we should expect this is the new MDS sometime next spring. Well we don’t have to wait. It’s here!

All of the changes that were to go into effect 2 years ago but were postponed because of COVID have been made.  MDS v.1.18.11 will become effective October 1, 2023. It is now 58 pages in length. Here is a list of the major revisions:

MDS 3.0 v1.18.11 Revisions

  1. Section G has been eliminated with two former section G items, Functional Limitation in Range of Motion and Mobility devices, being retained in section GG.
  2. All MDS items that will accommodate the Transfer of Health Information QRP quality measures have been added. See our blog post from January 2020 for a complete analysis
  3. All  of the MDS items that will accommodate the additional Standardized Patient Assessment data Elements have been added. See our blog post from January 2020 for a complete analysis (with some minor changes to v1.18.11).
  4. The PHQ-9 has been changed to the PHQ-2 to 9 which contains skip pattern that shortens this interview to 2 questions in certain circumstances.
  5. Section N0410 has been eliminated and replaced with section N0415-High Risk Drug Classes: Use and indication. This revision expands the medication list to include antiplatelets and Hypoglycemics and adds and indication column.

There’s a lot here to chew on. Note that only the Comprehensive assessment item set has been released and the MDS 3.0 website indicates that this is still a draft. While it is still very early, it may worth your while to download MDS 3.0 v1.18.11now begin to familiarize yourself with the changes. The RAI Manual will be here before you know it and there will be lots to learn then as well.

Have a great Friday afternoon everyone and a relaxing weekend. You’ll need the energy to begin your MDS v1.18.11 journey.